That property could not be found.


Due to the new laws regarding the sale of cigarettes, a lot of places that had cigarette machines have had to remove them. I know that I can now buy my daily 20 in an emergency from News 4 U up by the Chemist/Big Eat & Dos Mas. My apologies too Twilight Bar as my friend had informed me that she got hers from there. (Cross wires).

La Marina

not sure who has posted this information regarding the sale of cigarettes, but can assure the general public that TWILIGHT BAR & CAFÉ does NOT sell cigarettes or tobaccos! they only sell products of lighters, rolling papers and filters. so please edit your post and put the CORRECT information. regards

Commented jane plimmer in Quesada 2015-02-17 23:20:09 UTC

Hi John, I'm afraid you are so wrong. I work in Alicante. Once again people leaping before they look.

Commented 2Cute4U in La Marina 2015-02-21 12:23:38 UTC

Hurray! Make it more difficult to buy cigarettes!

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-02-21 15:22:17 UTC

Thank you correcting your post, its appreciated :-)

Commented jane plimmer in Quesada 2015-02-25 11:12:54 UTC